The goods and services tax (GST) is a tax of 10% on most goods and services sold in Australia. We can assist your business in all aspect of your GST compliance:

Business Registration

Starting or buying a business necessitates risk, research, passion and planning. Just like a game of chess, to succeed you need to make the right opening moves. At Graphite Business Advisers, we can provide timely registration services for ABN, GST and PAYG withholding requirements to meet your ATO obligations.



Regular Compliance – BAS / IAS Reporting


We always have been proactive in forewarning you about regular lodgement deadlines. The quarterly activities statements are automatically extended by a period of 4 weeks, when you lodge through a registered tax agent.

Quarter Ended

Due Date for  Lodgement and Payment

30 September

25 November

31 December

28 February

31 March

25 May

30 June

25 August


Specialist Areas


Contact us for a  quotation on the following areas:

  • GST on properties transactions

  • GST defferal on imports