Why Benchmarking?
Comparing To Your Competitors
Have you wondered how your business performs compared to your competitors?
Are your staff costs too high?
With timely and accurate benchmarking reports, it will enable you to
- Compare against your competitions
- More accurate analysis of costs and expenditure
- Analyse and act appoint key performance indicators
- Plan and action strategies to improve your bottom line
Tax Office Analysis
The tax office is increasingly using industry benchmarks to determine those business tax payers at risk of either understating income or overstating expenses. How do I know if my business is at risk of an audit?
At Graphite Business Advisers, we have access to the latest industry benchmarking data and inform our clients before lodgement if their financial statements are not in accordance with industry benchmarks. By doing this we can help clients to clean up their accounts before lodgements thereby minimising audit risk.